Baked Smoky Crab Legs and Shrimp with Potatoes, Sausage and Corn |Cooking With Carolyn
Copyright © 2018 by Cooking With Carolyn
Yield: 2-4 Servings
· 4 to 6 Pounds Snow Crab Legs or your choice of Crab Legs (Note: The weight of the crab legs will vary depending on the type and size)
· 2 Pounds Red Potatoes, cleaned, cut in half
· 2 to 4 Ears of Corn, fresh with silk removed OR Frozen Corn, thawed
· 4 Andouille Sausage Links or Sausage of your choice, scored with a knife
· 2 Pounds Shrimp, size 21-25 or larger, cleaned, deveined, tail-on
· ¼ Teaspoon or To Taste Liquid Smoke, your choice
· Seasoned Clarified Butter (Note: I recommend doubling the clarified butter recipe when making the Baked Crab Legs. The baked method requires more butter per bag to saturate all of the contents. Any unused clarified butter can be refrigerated and used for other meats, vegetables, etc.)
· Oven Bags, size large
Preheat oven to 400 Degrees F
Make the Seasoned Clarified Butter first and add the liquid smoke. Set aside.
Boil the potato halves just until a fork can be inserted and has some resistance. They only need to be partially cooked. Quickly rinse in cool water and drain to stop the cooking process.
In each oven bag place the following amounts or the desired amounts:
1½-2 pounds crab legs
½ pound potatoes
1 Ear of Corn
1 Sausage Link
1½-2 Cups Seasoned Clarified Butter
½ Pound Shrimp (to be added near the end of the cooking time)
Tie each bag with a loose knot. This will allow the bag to vent while baking. Bake at 400 degrees F for about 35 minutes. Lastly, add the shrimp to each bag, knot it, and continue to bake just until the shrimp are done, about 10 minutes. Cooking times can vary depending on the amount, and sizes, of the ingredients. Once done, serve immediately.
#crabboil #lowcountryboil #crablegsrecipe #seafoodboilrecipe #crabboilrecipe #crabboilinoven #cookingwithcarolyn #howtomakeaseafoodboilathome #seafoodboil #seafoodboilsauce #seafoodboilkingcrab #lowcountryboil #lowcountryboilwithcrablegs #lowcountryboilinabag #bakedcrabboilrecipecookingwithcarolyn #crabboilinoven #crabboilinovenbagrecipe #crabboilinabagcookingwithcarolyn #seafoodboilsaucerecipes #bakedsmokycrab